equipment & accommodation rates

Here at New Mexico Skies, we strive to offer you an out-of-this-world astronomical experience with a price tag that's refreshingly down-to-earth. Equipment rental expenses are determined on a per-night basis, while instruction and assistance are billed on an hourly basis. Accommodations are priced per-night, and, although we do charge a two-night minimum, we're sure you'll want to stay for even longer once you get a taste of the New Mexico Skies experience. Additionally, we request an advance deposit of one night's equipment and accommodation costs to confirm your reservation. If, for some unfortunate reason, it becomes necessary for you to cancel a reservation, you will be given a full refund less a 15 percent processing fee, until 30 days prior to your arrival.
Telescope and Equipment Rental Rates  
2012 Rates

Dome 1

Takahashi FRC-300 on Bisque robotic Paramount ME, with SBIG STL-11000M CCD camera, color filters, computer, software and remote imaging lab.

Dome 2

16" Meade on modified LX200 SCT mount with SBIG ST-2000XCM color one-shot CCD camera, computer, software and remote imaging lab.

Dome 3

Takahashi FCT-150 APO refractor, SBIG STL-11000CM color one-shot CCD camera, Bisque robotic Paramount ME, computer and software.

Dome 4

To Be Announced

15" f/4.0 AstroSystems/Pegasus Dobsonian   $100
25" f/4.0 AstroSystems/Galaxy Dobsonian   $125
30" JMI NTT f/4.2 GOTO and Tracking Telescope
11" Celestron GOTO (Visual use only)
JMI 6" Reverse Binoculars with digital setting circles
Checkout on use of equipment
Observing assistance, star tours, instruction, checkouts

      Note: Equipment is available only to resident guests.


Accommodation Rental Rates

  2012 Rates

One-bedroom cabin (1 full bed, 1 futon couch, 1 kid's beds)
Two-bedroom apartment (1 queen and 1 full bed or 1 queen bed and 1full/twin bunk)
Three-bedroom family home (7 beds, see writeup)   $240*
* for four people, + $10 each person over four.
  Minimum Stay: A two-night minimum stay will be billed.  
  Deposit Required in Advance: One night, both accommodations and equipment.  
  Check In and Check Out Times: Check in time is 2:00 pm or later but before dark.  
  Check out time is no later than 12:00 noon.  
  Confirmed Reservations are Required.  




Related Pages: Equipment, Accommodations, Reservations, Locator Map, About Your Stay, While You're Here

owned & operated by:
Mike & Lynn Rice
P.O. Box 182
Mayhill, NM 88339
(575) 687-2429
Fax (575) 687-3710
website design by:
N. Calvin Brownell
Graphic Designer
lunar phase for today,